A downloadable game
"The MBT" is an Action Shooter PC game created by VIT University (Vellore) Multimedia & Animation students for Final year Project.
The game happens in a fictional world where two powerful inter governmental military alliance (NSTO and CATO) competing for the world dominance. The military has been mostly privatized. Militias backed by the NSTO occupied a town of a CATO country. A private defense company called Defense corp. was hired by the CATO to recapture the town.
The game was developed in a very short time, so the game may not be perfect.
Update :
Fixed AI glitch.
Movements - w,s,a and d (or) Arrow Keys
Toggle between first person and third person view - ctrl
Turret Movements - Mouse movement Left and Right
Gun Movements - Mouse movement Forward and Backward
Brake - Space bar
System Requirement (Recommended):
RAM - 2 GB
Graphics Memory - 1 GB
Follow -
Install instructions
No installation required just extract and play.